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Embark on a journey through time with the Guild of Knightly Arts, a beacon of historical fencing excellence since its establishment in 2019 within the heart of Jefferson City, Missouri. Rooted in the rich tapestry of medieval heritage, we channel the valor of bygone eras, wielding the English Longsword, the backsword, and the sword & buckler with the same finesse and passion that once echoed through castles and battlefields.


Our saga unfolds amidst the clash of steel, the swiftness of movement, and the pursuit of mastery. Within the walls of our guild, history is not just a memory, but a living embodiment. Each parry, thrust, and feint tells a tale of chivalry, honor, and skill, passed down through centuries. Our dedication to authenticity ensures that the pages of history turn anew with every swing, preserving the legacy of these martial arts for generations to come.


Beneath our roof, warriors of all backgrounds unite to delve into the artistry of combat, embracing the knightly virtues of discipline, respect, and camaraderie. With the banner of the Guild of Knightly Arts unfurled, we celebrate the past while forging a bond that transcends time, reminding us that the spirit of the medieval knight lives on within us.


Join us on this epic odyssey, where the clash of blades resonates with echoes of ancient battles, and the pursuit of mastery knows no bounds. The Guild of Knightly Arts beckons, inviting you to partake in a tale of valor, honor, and the unbreakable bonds forged through the art of the sword.

Our location is at: 

 501 Madison St. Jefferson City, Mo. 65101

We are meeting at the JCAC Gymnasium in the Miller Performing Arts Center every Sunday at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Watch our Facebook page for updates and please let us know if you are wanting to visit so we can expect you.


Frequently Asked Questions

* What does your club do?

Our club practices the medieval English martial arts primarily from the 15th to 16th centuries. These practices include the longsword, which is our primary emphasis, along with the backsword and various other English weapon systems. We practice these arts in a fun environment but which also takes safety very seriously. 


* Are you a part of other groups such as the SCA or LARP?

No. We are a martial arts club and as such we do not participate in re-enactment or fantasy. However, some of our members may also participate in these other activities and we encourage our members to connect with one another in mutually shared interests outside of our club as well. 


* Is your club affiliated with a parent organization?

We support the HEMA Alliance which is a national umbrella organization for US based HEMA clubs. We also are partnered with other regional networks such as the Great Plains European Martial Arts League. These organizational bodies are supportive in nature but each HEMA club is independently operated.


* Is your club welcoming of new people? 

Our club not only welcomes new people it is dependent upon them. We are an inclusive group of people who are always excited when new potential members come for a visit. If you wish to visit then drop us a message or call so that we know you are planning a visit. The only thing required is that you arrive with comfortable work out clothes, a bottle of water and a positive attitude. We provide loaner equipment for visitors so you do not need to have any equipment before hand. 


* Is your club competitive?

We do engage in several tournaments throughout the year. Our members are not required to compete in tournaments but are encouraged to do so once we feel they are competent in the art and style of our practice and can compete in both a skillful and safe manner against others. 


* What are the costs associated with this activity?

Currently we have discontinued club dues because we are meeting freely at the JCAC Gymnasium. However, this location is temporary and once we find another meeting space we wil resume club dues once again.

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Membership Certificate

Founded in 2018, our mission has always been to combine HEMA tradition and innovation, emphasizing scholarship, self-discovery and competition. We pride ourselves on inner-development over solely outward display. At Guild of Knightly Arts, each vigorous hour spent training is seen as an opportunity to build confidence, discipline and both mental and physical strength.

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